5 FACTS ABOUT SOLAR ENERGY: What you should know…
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5 FACTS ABOUT SOLAR ENERGY: What you should know…

The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy for humans and nature. However, in Spain the growth in consumption of this source is not as developed compared to countries such as Germany, Holland, etc.; We Spaniards still do not make massive use of solar energy solutions for the production and supply of electricity in our homes.

Aware of this and with the aim of changing this trend, Wccsolar wants to raise awareness of the benefits of using this free and inexhaustible source of energy with technologies that protect the environment and conserve natural resources for a better quality of life.

How to use this kind of solutions? Although the sun is present every day of our lives, there is still a lot of ignorance about how to use its energy to supply electricity. For this reason, Wccsolar presents the following keys that can be carried out with its equipment:

1. Solar energy belongs to the group of renewable energies, which are characterized by being obtained from natural sources that do not run out, either because there are a large number of them or because they can be regenerated by natural means. At an environmental level, solar energy is especially beneficial since it does not generate any kind of contaminants. 2. The sun produces energy even on slightly cloudy days. In fact, monocrystalline solar panels can absorb diffuse solar radiation and transform it into better shape on such days. 3. The installation of solar panels in the home entails significant economic savings. Depending on the geographical area and the type of auxiliary energy, solar coverage can be up to 70%. In this way, the initial investment they entail is amortized thanks to the non-direct dependence on other energy resources. 4. In addition to orientation, the geographical area is also essential when opting for one or another solar energy solution. Thus, for areas with warmer climates such as Levante or Andalusia, the systems have a better production. 5. Regardless of the type of system that is chosen, solar panels are designed to last for many years, so at an environmental level it translates into producing energy in an efficient and renewable way for a long time. If you want to purchase a renewable energy kit, do not hesitate to contact us.

In WccSolar we are Multibrand Distributors of Solar Energy Supplies.


WccSolar is First Distributor of several brands of Solar Inverters, We also have an associated technical service to respond quickly to any problem or incident that could be caused by your Inverter devices.


This technical service will be active both during the warranty period and outside this period. In which this service will be offered to the client so that any problem can be solved. Offering peace of mind to the customer in the purchase of our devices.

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All our products for Renewable Energies comply with the most demanding regulations.

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