
Choose a solar kit according to my need

Normally, all energy calculations are closely related to the consumption needs of the home or the place where it is required. Therefore, we can always appreciate broadly three types of consumption:

Do you know which Solar Kit to choose? Here we give you the guidelines.

- Places or homes with low consumption that require from 250Wh/day to 1800Wh/day for these consumptions the power of the inverter will be from 1000 watts to 2000 watts and with monoblock or 12 volt AGM batteries 85 to 250 amps.

- Places or homes with average consumption that require from 2000Wh/day to 4900Wh/day for these consumptions the power of the inverter will be about 3000 watts a 5000 watts and the appropriate 6 or 2 volt batteries, also counting on 24 volt batteries from 400 to 1200 amps.

- Places or homes with high consumption that require from 5000Wh/day to 9800Wh/day for these consumptions, the power of the inverter will be from 8000 watts to 10000 watts the appropriate 2-volt batteries from 400 to 2250 amps with 48-volt battery banks.

A solar Kit defines its production, autonomy and power by: Solar Panels, inverter, batteries. The other components are also important in the system but do not intervene directly in its power and autonomy. We proceed to explain what is the main function of each element that intervenes directly:

Solar panels are responsible for obtaining and generating photovoltaic energy. They are one of the most sensitive parts of the photovoltaic installation, since the work is defined by the climate: rainy days, with little sun and night hours will not obtain the expected energy, hence the importance as a recommendation of having a generator invert or connection to the network to feed the batteries to maintain the usual consumption of the house.

Inverter is directly related to the power of the solar installation, hence the importance of knowing the consumption and electrical appliances that will be connected at the same time; since its correct operation will depend on this in relation to its consumption needs in watts.

Batteries will allow energy autonomy and will define consumption times in relation to energy needs. These will be fed by the real-time production of the solar panels.

Batteries usually guarantee energy autonomy in relation to the periods of use that are given to them, weekend use is very different from daily use.

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